
Fairview Baptist Bible College.
-the students who will be attending the seminar.
-the school's ministry in Jamaica.

The churches we will be ministering in and with during our time there.

You can print out prayer requests bookmarks at:

The team's itinerary can be found:

as a PDF document at
These itineraries were posted on October 1, 2007. They may (and probably will change before the trip.)

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Praise regarding the financial end of our trip

First, we had budgeted $500 for transportation in Jamaica based on estimates. Recently we found out the bus company was actually going to charge us $1700. Rex, the team coordinator, told the president at Fairview that was more than we were planning to spend. Later the Fairview's president contacted Rex with a new price of $1300 which was still more than we had budgeted. This seemed to be a fair price, even though it was more than we had planned. Only two people at BBS knew about this dilemma.

Well an anonymous BBS student donated $800 to the team.

From $1700 ($1200 over) to $1300 ($800 over) to $500. God is an amazing provider.


Prayer Request - Daryl Jackson

My prayer request is that I'll get what needs to get done. I'm looking forward to Jamaica. Right now, it's just getting my lesson done and staying alive in school.


Will Bowler --> Pray it up!

Will Bowler -- Pray it up!

Pray that the only things that I'll be able to teach will be what God wants me to teach, and that they will learn this information, since teaching doesn't occur unless learning does.

Also, pray that God will grow me on this trip and teach me through it; that throughout this whole experience, I will know God more and draw closer to Him.

Finally, pray that we may bring God glory in all we do while down there.

Thanks, and remember, God rocks my face off! I hope that he'll rock yours off soon too


Jon Oren - The Centrality of God in Jamaica

Pray that the Name of God our Father would be made central in all of Jamaica (Matthew 6:9), and the fame of our Lord would spread as a result of this trip.


David Faulkner Prayer Requests

Pray that....

1. God would grant me the insight to teach clearly and accurately the material that I am responsible for.

2. I will have a servant's heart.

3. God would grant me patience as things may not work out according to the plans set forth.

4. I would grow in my relationship with God as well as with the other team members.