
Fairview Baptist Bible College.
-the students who will be attending the seminar.
-the school's ministry in Jamaica.

The churches we will be ministering in and with during our time there.

You can print out prayer requests bookmarks at:

The team's itinerary can be found:

as a PDF document at
These itineraries were posted on October 1, 2007. They may (and probably will change before the trip.)

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ken's prayer requests

I'm really excited about the trip, which is only a week away!  Please consider these personal requests:
1.  My teaching time.  I'll have the very first seminar, so I hope that I'll get the team off to a positive start.  I am finalizing some teaching thoughts and ideas. Please pray that my seminar will be profitable for the students!
2.  My family (Wife and three boys).  They will be traveling home while I'm away in order to visit family.  Please pray for their safety during a four-hour drive.  My wife homeschools the boys, which she will do when she travels home.  This will be especially challenging for her in different school surroundings.  Please pray!
3.  That I will be able to lead at least 1 person to Christ throughout my tenure in Jamaica.
4.  That I will be genuinely compassionate to the orphans that I will minister to for two days.
5.  That I will be unselfish in all aspects of the ministry opportunities.
Ken Schultz